Friday, August 13, 2010

Entry #19

I have noticed that Hemingway has some interesting ways of explaining things. He really likes his contradictory phrases and statements. Here's a few examples.

Juxtaposition- "It was all so slow and so controlled. It was as though he were rocking the bull to sleep" (page 221).

Alright now this is a weird comment. I have definitely never that of bull-fighting as rocking a bull to sleep. It seems to me to be more of a bull trying to attack and kill a crazy person who obviously doesn't fear for their life. I don't think I would even like to watch a bull-fight because the constant danger would make me so nervous. I know I definitely would not be describing it as a man rocking a bull to sleep if I ever did watch one.

Oxymoron- "'You wouldn't believe it. It's like a wonderful nightmare'" (page 226).

A wonderful nightmare. Now that is an oxymoron! Who would think to call a nightmare wonderful. Nightmares are feared by children everywhere and sometimes even adults. I remember when I was little I had a dream catcher in order to catch all my dreams and take away the bad ones. I know at that point in time, I would never have that a nightmare was wonderful.

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