Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Entry #11

1st Person point of view-
"'Were you ever in love with her?'
'For how long?'
'Off and on for hell of a long time.'
'Oh hell!' Bill said. 'I'm sorry, fella.'
'It's all right,' I said. 'I don't give a damn any more' (page 128).

Okay so this has been evident from the beginning but just in case anyone missed it this book is written in a first person point of view from Jake's view point. Okay now that we have that settled lets move on. I think that this passage shows how genuine the relationship between Jake and Bill is. Unlike his relationship with Cohn whom he often speaks badly of, Bill and Jake can have a serious conversation about their personal lives. So far, I have not picked up on Jake bed mouthing Bill or vice versa. Jake can share his true feelings about Brett with Bill, even though I believe that he might be telling a little white lie. I believe that he is still very much in love with Brett, but he is denying it even to himself. This relationship between Bill and Jake seems realistic to how a friendship would be in real life.

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