Friday, August 13, 2010

Entry #14

Implied Metaphor- "'They lead such a quiet life. They never say anything and they're always hanging about so'" (page146).

Although Mike never comes out and says that Cohn is like a steer, he makes it very clear that he believes this. He says that he hangs around Brett and follows her, never really saying anything. During this scene, I thought Mike was being extremely mean. Although it seems like Cohn is that guy who is always annoying everyone, he still doesn't deserved to be treated like an animal.

"'Mark you. Brett's had affairs with men before. She tells me all about everything. She gave me this chap Cohn's letters to read. I wouldn't read them'" (page 147).

Okay so this is just getting ridiculous! During Mike's rant about Cohn, he mentions that he knows about Brett's affairs!!!! How can this guy know that she "gets around" for lack of a better term and just put up with it like that. I would think that if they truly loved each other they could avoid sleeping with other people. Maybe I'm crazy but that's how i always thought a relationship was supposed to work.

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