Monday, July 5, 2010

Entry #2

Page 15- "And for all the ambiguities of Vietnam, all the mysteries and unknowns, there was at least the single abiding certainty that they would never be at a loss for things to carry."

Okay so this FINALLY gives a closure to all of the lists. This quote seemed to catch my attention because with all of that randomness and lists of items (some that I didn't even know what they were) came a reason. These soldiers had no idea what was ahead of them when at war, but one thing they were sure of was what they had with them to protect them, comfort them, or entertain them. They also carried burdens and the knowledge that if they failed, they weren't just failing themselves, but also their families and country. The things they carried weren't just random items, they were what helped them make it through the war.

To think about not knowing if you will die at any second or on the other hand, knowing that you will kill or be killed is one experience that I am glad I don't have to face. I have a great respect for the men who have fought for our country over the years because without them I know we would not have what we have today. I also feel a sense of cowardness because I know they are doing things I couldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams.

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