Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"A Rose for Emily" by" William Faulkner

At first, this story was extremely confusing for me. The jumping back and forth from past to present made the story confusing. Upon reading the story for a second time, I came to realize that the point of view is not really set and is coming from an unknown person or persons as it seemed. It seemed to change throughout the story which only led to my confusion. What I did come to realize is that part 1 begins with after Emily dies and transforms into a retelling of the situation with Emily's taxes. While at first, the taxes seemed to be unimportant in the story, I think it has a meaning. To me, the taxes were symbolic of how the later generations lost respect for Emily and failed to take care of her as the older generations had. I found parts two, three, four and five to be looking back and slowly progressing to Emily's death. These sections were especially confusing to me because it was unclear as to when the situations were taking place. The story is random and not in chronological order which causes confusing in what is happening and when it is happening.

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