Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Miss Brill" by:Katherine Mansfield

This story seemed to be very odd. Miss Brill would do the same thing every weekend (people watch), but she was turned down by a young couple and even made fun of this specific time. Toward the end of the story, I began to feel sympathetic toward Miss Brill because it was like she was in a never ending cycle and she seemed to be unhappy with her life. Not only was she unhappy, but she was also alone. I saw the fur animal like scarf as the only thing she had that was near and important to her. Yet, this was one of the things that the young couple put down and made fun of. When reading this, I realized that even when you speak badly about strangers, they will be affected by this. I felt sympathy for Miss Brill because of her sad life and because of how upset she got at the end when the highlight of her week was ruined because of a young couple making fun of her within earshot. At the end, when the narrator says that "she heard something crying," I saw this as Miss Brill crying, but she refused to admit that it was in fact she who's feelings were hurt.

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