Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"How I Met My Husband" by Alice Munro

The point of view in "How I Met My Husband" is first person, but it is told from a much later time. This reminiscent story is shown through certain comments that the narrator makes throughout the story. For instance, on page 145, the narrator says "I didn't figure out till years later the extent of what I had been saved from." This shows that looking back on her experience, Edie is much more mature and understands the situation more clearly. Along with this example, there are many more that support the narrator looking back with more knowledge. Also on page 145 the narrator says "It never crossed my mind for a long time that a letter might not come." This shows that the narrator is looking back remembering how niave she was when she thought that Chris would write her back. Also supporting that the narrator is looking back are the past tense words used throughout the story such as "was" "when i went home" and many more show that the speaker is looking back.

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