Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri

I found Interpreter of Maladies to be somewhat odd but interesting. The way in which Mrs. Das treated her children and husband was extremely intriguing and the reason behind why she treated them this way was not originally given. Mrs. Das treated her children in a very uninvolved way. She tended to blow them off and at one point in time she even told her daughter to "leave her alone" because she was bothering her. This definitely does not seem like a way a truly loving mother would act. When Mrs. Das is speaking to Mr. Kapasi, the reader is given the reason that Mrs. Das acts in this way. I found it especially odd that Mrs. Das treats Mr. Kapasi, a stranger with more love and respect than her own husband. In this poem, I found some satire. I believe the narrator was satirizing American life and marriages in general. Through this story, the narrator is showing how many people get married just to get married, not because they are actually in love. It also satirizes the uninvolved with which some parents raise their children. They don't really take care of them and often blow them off as Mrs. Das did.

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