Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Frankenstein"- Foil Characters

"the young stranger knelt at the old man's feet and would have kissed his hand, but he raised her and embraced her affectionately" (page 112).

This passage which serves to characterize the family and Safie also serves to contrast the monster and Safie as foil characters. While Safie is beautiful and accepted, the creation is ugly and rejected from every human being. This difference of acceptance and rejection is one of the driving factors of the creation's rage. He sees how Felix and his family so openly accept and love Safie, so he expects at least some acceptance from them when he reveals himself. Instead, he receives rejection and is beaten by Felix which causes him much rage and sets him off on his path of evil and destruction. The creation describes Safie's voice as being musical and lovely. This also sets her apart from the creation as he is rough and scary, not sweet and musical. These two foils serve to show how the family truly was accepting and loving to human beings. It shows the extent of horror that the monster caused and serves to "set him off" on his path of rage.

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