Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"The Kite Runner"- Symbolism

"I thought about Hassan's dream... I was that monster" (page 86).

This single symbol of Amir being the monster that drug Hassan down to the murky bottom of the lake is perfect to describe how he viewed himself after the rape. He knew that what he has done was wrong, but even so, he did not change his ways or tell anyone the truth about what had happened. Amir believed for all of his young adult and adult life that he was the thing that had ruined Hassan. He realized that if he had stepped in, Hassan could have been spared, but he was too much of a coward to do what was right. This symbol of Amir being the monster explains much of his young life. It explains the guilt and regret he feels for not helping Hassan. It also explains why he felt like he needed a clean slate and why America was the perfect place for him. This symbol shows that Amir honestly believed that the rape was completely his fault. While he could have stopped it or done something to redeem himself afterward, he was not solely responsible for the rape, as Assef and his friends were the perpetrators of the rape and therefore the most responsible.

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