Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"The Kite Runner"- Protagonist and Antagonist

"I wanted that, to move on, to forget, to start with a clean slate. I wanted to be able to breath again" (page 105).

While reading, I found the protagonist to be Amir. While he is not exactly a "hero," he is the one who drives the action. It is from him that most of the conflict arises. He creates the action and keeps it going through his cowardice during the rape of Hassan, his regret afterward, and his search for redemption. Although his hubris has not been revealed yet, I see it as being a lack of ability to forgive himself and to ask for forgiveness as well. He holds in his problems from his childhood and this leads to many conflicts in his life with Baba, Ali, Rahim Khan, Soraya, and Hassan.
I found the antagonist to be Hassan throughout the book. It is because of Hassan that Amir faces many problems in his life. The excerpt is evidence of this. It shows that because of Hassan, Amir feels he needs a "clean slate." It begins with internal conflict because of his regret for not helping to save Hassan when he had the chance to stop his rape. This internal conflict progresses into problems with Baba and even holds Amir back in his adult life. Hassan and the guilt Amir feels because of him that he cannot be completely honest with his wife and other friends and family members.

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