Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Spring" by Gerard Manley Hopkins

In "Spring," there are many symbols. When I first read this poem, I read it as the beauty of spring and descriptions of the beauty. On my first read, I found multiple symbols, one of them being "racing lambs" (line 8). I saw this to be white fluffy clouds floating hurriedly through the sky, symbolizing that spring is passing quickly. I thought that "Eden Garden" (line 11) symbolized the purity and beauty of spring and "sour with sinning" (line 12) was spring ending and a new season coming.

After having our class discussion I have also been given an insight on another meaning of the poem, one that is less literal. The spring is actually a person. At the beginning of their life, they are innocent and sinless, but like Adam and Eve, they too sin, ruining this "Eden Garden" (line 11) of holiness. Eventually, a person becomes "sour with sinning" (line 12). This poem is a sort of warning against sinful deeds and evil.

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