Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Dream Deferred" by: Langston Hughes number 2

Back to the poem dream deferred again, but this time, I am going to focus on the tone of the poem. I think that the tone is one of urgency. The speaker is pleading with other African Americans so they will build up a drive to fight for their civil rights. He tells them they must do this before it is impossible to gain what they have always been dreaming about. This poem is a call to action for all people so that they will fight for rights and basic liberties. He is telling people that they must act now before their window of opportunity has passed and their goals will never be achieved. He believed that the most crippling event would be if the dream is deferred for so long that it eventually "explode(s)" and is completely gone. He says taht if this happens, African Americans will never be able to gain rights and they will be stuck in their current state of despair forever.

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