Thursday, January 20, 2011


So far, I hate found Othello to be slightly confusing, but as I have read more, I have began to understand more. One of my favorite characters is Desdemona at this time. I like her because she seems to stand up for herself and for women in general. When Iago was saying what he thought about different types of women, she says he is "worse and worse." She also did not marry a guy just because she was told to. She stood up for what she wanted and married Othello even though he was a "black man." I liked that even though this may not have been what everyone else wanted, she still went with her heart. I'm not sure if this was her only intent, but from the information I have been given I like her as a character. She also seems to be seriously in love with Othello. As of right now, she is my favorite character.

1 comment:

  1. I love the scene where she points out how ridiculous Iago's opinions of women are.
